Fall 2016 Practice Schedule

July 27:  We received our official fall practice schedule. We start regular practices the week of August 8th.

(Starting August 8)
Quest field 85:30 - 6:45 PM
(Starting August 9)
Metro TOPS field5:00 - 6:15 PM
(Starting August 10)
Quest field 85:30 - 6:45 PM
optional goalkeeper training, 6:55 - 7:30
(GK training starts August 24)
(Starting August 11)
Metro TOPS field5:00 - 6:15 PM
optional goalkeeper training, 6:25 - 7:00
(GK training starts August 25)
  • The Metro TOPS field is the small turf field formerly known as just the “turf field”. Field 3 is now also a turf field, so we have to be more specific.
  • Depending on construction, we may have our Tuesday / Thursday practices shifted from the Metro TOPS field to field 2 (where we had tryouts). Check back August 8th for an update.
  • Before we start regular practices, please take 5-10 minutes with your daughter to review our practice session guidelines:  what to wear (and not wear), what to bring, and so forth.

Which / how many practices to attend?

We ask the girls to attend two sessions each week. For most players, these will be the two sessions at their home park. If a player has a schedule conflict with a session at  her home park, she’s welcome to attend a session at the other park, no reservation needed. (We’ll make sure she feels welcome!) If a player wants to attend an extra practice, she’s welcome to do so.

Bad weather procedures

Rain itself isn’t a problem, but waterlogged fields or lightning can cause problems. For info about how we deal with bad weather, please check our weather link.

Game day schedule

We expect to receive our Fall game day schedule in mid to late August. Link:  game day procedures and guidelines