Ball Pickups, also called Lifts

Ball pickups refer to using your feet to lift a soccer ball from the ground into the air. They are used to start juggling, or to setup a “volley” pass or shot. (A “volley” refers to striking a ball that’s in the air.) There are a bunch of different ways to use your feet to lift the ball into the air. Here are a few.

The pullback / ramp / flick & kick:

This is a basic ball pickup, often the first pickup newer players learn. The challenge? It requires a mix of quick actions and patience.

  1. Stand one full step behind the ball.
  2. Use the sole of your foot to do a strong pullback. (Make the ball roll.)
  3. Quick:  Set your foot on the ground, toes down, to make a ramp.
  4. Patience:  Wait for the ball to start rolling up the ramp.
  5. Quick:  Once the ball starts up the ramp (past the top of your toenails), quickly raise your toes to “flick” the ball into the air. The ball should pop up about knee high.
  6. Start juggling, or pass or shoot using a volley!

Partner variation:  Replace step 2 (the pullback) by having a partner play you a firm, ground ball pass. (Weak passes won’t work, since the ball won’t be moving quickly enough to roll up your foot.)

The pullback / ramp:

This is similar to the pullback / ramp / flick & kick lift above, but it replaces the “flick” motion with a knee raise.

  1. Stand one full step behind the ball.
  2. Use the sole of your foot to do a strong pullback. (Make the ball roll.)
  3. Quick:  Set your foot on the ground, toes down, to make a ramp.
  4. Patience:  Wait for the ball to start rolling up the ramp and roll past the top of your toenails.
  5. Quick:  Raise your toes and knee to lift the ball up in the air.
  6. Start juggling, or pass or shoot using a volley!

Partner variation:  Replace step 1 (the pullback) by having a partner play you a firm, ground ball pass. (Weak passes won’t work, since the ball won’t be moving quickly enough to roll up your foot.)

The two-foot hop (also called the Toyota):

  1. Grab the ball with both feet. You can grab the ball with the insides of your feet for a front ball pickup, or you can grab the ball between your heels for a behind-the-back ball pickup.
  2. Do a 2-footed hop to lift the ball.
  3. Start juggling, or pass or shoot using a volley!

The T-Webby sole roll:

coming soon

The Coach Jay scoop:

coming soon

The rainbow:

The Mexican hat dance:

coming soon

The motorcycle:

coming soon